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Our Woodland Collection explores our relationship and connection with nature and how we can all live in harmony with it. My inspiration began in the summer I spent dreaming and designing this collection while wandering and running through the ancient wild woodlands and meadows, in Hampstead Heath, in north west London. This is the park that inspired C.S. Lewis to write The Chronicles of Narnia. Much like the story, set in an enchanted wood, where metaphors of distortions of reality and fantasy, of time and consciousness and life as an ever-changing mystery, are ever present like the phases of the moon.

In surreal times I found myself yearning for a sanctuary and searching for symbolism, echoed in the story of each piece I imagined in untamed wild nature. Tales of courage, transformation, hope, love, peace and freedom. Through the Heath I travel to the backdrop of my childhood in rural Warwickshire. Nostalgic of the seasons spent wild berry picking, meandering through sunflower and strawberry fields, getting lost in the woods, and making grass angels in fields near horses at the back of my family home. The Woodland Collection invites you to create stories of your own connection with nature and to wear talismans as a reminder that we are one with the natural world. To find hidden gems in her depths, even in the midst of a wild, tangled wood.

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Wild Bumble Bees

I have a special connection to bees. They carry positive and sweet metaphors of strength, courage and wisdom. They hold an array of emotions for me - joy, romance, nostalgia, and awe. I love photographing them in nature - catching a shot of them in mid-flight or while dancing around flowers in search of sweet nectar. Bumblebees and honeybees and the life in a hive are powerful symbols of community, regeneration, and the connection to plants. Like a bee pollinating a flourishing flower in the forest, we can plant the seeds of hope, and transform to bloom in harmony with the world around us. As the creative source of honey, honeybees also represent sweetness, healing and magic. Solitary bees can be found in many locations, including marshes, sand dunes, soft cliffs, grasslands and heathlands. For this collection, I have sculpted a bumblebee mid-flight, illuminating their delicate, and intricate wings. Each bee sculpture can be worn on multiple parts of the body to connect, and feel at one with nature, and bring you a greater sense of presence, wisdom, courage and joy.

Symbolism: Strength, courage, wisdom, community, joy and nostalgia.

Fact: Bees are an endangered species, and almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on bees and other insect’s pollination. Through our Gemma Roe Foundation initiative, one of our core focuses is on conservation, and restoring forests so wildlife can thrive.

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Wild Butterflies

Butterflies are one of my favourite insects. They hold a personal story and symbolism of staying aware and being present in the world. My childhood back garden and the surrounding fields attracted many different types of butterflies, including the Swallowtail, Peacock, Red Admiral, Large White, Painted Lady and the Brimstone. Often the Large White and the Brimstone butterflies would fly in pairs. I've seen many beautiful butterflies in Hampstead Heath and imagine being in an enchanted forest where butterflies of all varieties and shades are present. I have sculpted the endangered species of the Monarch and the Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing, the largest butterfly in the world. Through our Naturers initiative, one of our core focuses is on conservation, and restoring forests so wildlife can thrive.

Symbolism: The butterfly has a deep reverence and symbolism for many concepts in life, as a representation of change, renewal, hope, endurance, and courage to embrace the transformation we travel through in different stages of life. Wearing butterflies will bring you courage and hope through these adventures.

Fact: Monarchs and The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing butterflies are threatened by deforestation and habitat loss caused by climate change, and the loss of native plants along their migratory corridors. Butterfly wings are transparent and they use their feet to taste.


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When I lived in Italy, I spent a summer in Sardinia and the Dolomites, close to Austria. We hiked through the luscious green mountains and stumbled upon a picturesque lake where dragonflies were gliding all around the water, like scattered dreams. An array of blue, red, and green hues flying around us, creating quick flashes of lively energy.  I love seeing these in nature, in the countryside, the mountains and on the Heath. They hover so quickly, it’s tricky to capture these when I’m out photographing. Whenever I see a dragonfly, I feel they bring me good luck and they also remind me to stay in the light. In ancient mythology the dragonfly is a symbol of change, transformation, wisdom, light, self-realisation and adaptability. They teach us to love all parts of life, and to have faith amidst surreal times. They remind us to stay present and bring lightness and joy on our path. I have sculpted the vibrant and colourful blue and green Emperor Dragonfly for this collection. Wearing a dragonfly on your body and on your feet will bring you lighter energy, a stronger connection to nature and adaptability in times of transformation. Through our Naturers initiative, one of our core focuses is on conservation, and restoring forests so wildlife can thrive.

Symbolism: Lightness, good luck, transformation, change, wisdom, adaptability, self-realisation.

Fact: Dragonflies pre-date the dinosaurs, and were one of the first types of insect to appear on Earth around 300 million years ago. Fossils show that some had wingspans of up to 60cm. They have nearly 360-degree vision and control populations of pest insects, such as mosquitoes and biting flies.

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The Wildflowers Collection is inspired by our connection to the natural world. Each handsculpted flower is inspired by the nostalgia of Gemma’s childhood spent roaming the Warwickshire countryside - through ancient woodlands, rivers and meadows, finding all kinds of wild species and collecting plants - fallen leaves, bark, and wildflowers. Where she would craft interesting concoctions, imbuing them with symbolism. Just like nature, each piece is unique, wild, and tells a story. Our shared language of nature, brings people together by unearthing tales - symbolic flowers of courage, transformation, hope, love, peace, freedom and harmony. Embodying the hidden magic found in the depths of the earth. Every piece is rooted in our Mother Earth, fantasy and adventure. Wildflowers can teach us to stay wild in our nature and flourish wherever life takes us. Wearing them will bring you closer to your natural state of feeling rooted and earthed. The connection to Mother Earth that transcends everything. Through our Naturers initiative, one of our core focuses is on conservation, and restoring forests so wildlife, and plants can thrive.

Symbolism: The delicate and graceful orchid represents love, beauty and strength. The sunflower is symbolic of positivity, strength, longevity, admiration and loyalty.

Fact: Usually native to a certain areas, and under natural conditions, wildflowers will grow year after year without any help from people. Wildflowers usually bloom in the spring or summer in grasslands, woodlands, and mountains. They even grow in the cold Arctic regions on high mountains or in the tundra.


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I was given a silver charm bracelet as a christening gift from my grandparents when I was six months old, which I have treasured until this day. The charms were symbolic of entering this world and my new life. Each had it’s own character to empower me on the adventures that lie ahead for me. There was a butterfly, a hare, a Moses basket, a bear, a lion, a heart, a dove, a dog, a shoe, and a lucky clover leaf.  Symbolic of friendship, loyalty, trust, hope, adventure, transformation, creativity, freedom, courage, peace, family, love, and good luck. 

I believe my love of charms and the intrinsic symbolism they hold are linked to this memory and the talismans I first wore. Wearing treasures that carry metaphors and symbols remind me to stay present and to know that everything is interconnected like the intertwining branches of trees in the forest.

The Charms Collection is an homage to the peace and freedom I feel when in nature and the sense of creating a wild sanctuary in the forest when times can feel surreal.

The metamorphosis of transformation that a caterpillar enters when becoming a butterfly, represents the transcendence I have experienced in all stages of my life. Each charm carries a meaningful message for the wearer which comes alive through each of our stories - from the butterfly, the bee, the ladybird and the dragonfly. My dream is that these symbolic talismans bring you a sense of hope, peace and harmony on all of your adventures, and that they inspire you create your own meaningful stories.

Gemma Roe charms are handcrafted in Hatton Garden, London by Gemma from recycled 24 karat gold-plated bronze, solid gold and silver. The collection of statement charms are inspired by the natural world and designed to connect you to the resonances of the Earth and illuminate your path on all your adventures.

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The Shoellery Collection is inspired by Gemma’s love of the natural world and her practice of outdoor activities of running, hiking, meditating and earthing in nature.


“I connect to our ancestral wisdom of Mother Earth through rooting myself with the ground by running, walking, meditating and earthing in nature. This keeps me present. The shared language of nature inspired me to create my own talismans for our feet as a way to connect to our Earth’s powerful source energy.”


Gold, silver and other precious metals are natural conductors of life force electrical energy from the Earth. Wearing these precious metals can help ground and connect us to the healing resonances and frequencies of Earth’s energetic system, which keeps us in sync and in harmony with all living things. Our bodies act as natural conductors and allow us to receive these beneficial ions. Walking barefoot grounds us and helps structure the water within our body which can lead to better health and wellbeing. Grounding energy keeps our aura connected to the present moment and our physical body. Meaning we are rooted in reality, and in contact with the core of the Earth. Wearing all our sculptured jewellery, and especially our anklets and talismans can enhance the earthing experience.


Gemma Roe shoellery are handcrafted in Hatton Garden, London by Gemma from recycled 24 karat gold-plated bronze, solid gold and silver. The collection is inspired by the natural world and designed to connect you to the resonances of the Earth and illuminate your path on all your adventures.


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Gemma Roe Sets are handcrafted in Hatton Garden, London by Gemma from recycled 24 karat gold-plated bronze, solid gold and silver. The Sets is a curated collection of statement pieces inspired by the natural world and designed to tell your own story, connect you to the resonances of the Earth and illuminate your path on all your adventures.

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Silver Tales

Gemma Roe silver Sculpted Tales are handcrafted in Hatton Garden, London by Gemma from 100% recycled solid sterling silver. The collection of statement pieces are inspired by the natural world and designed to connect you to the resonances of the Earth and illuminate your path on all your adventures.

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